Sunday, March 26, 2023

Will The Ion Thrusters Get To The Point of Repelling Earth's Gravity? | Antigravity Devices Community

What Do you Know About Ion Thrusters? 

An ion thruster, ion drive, or ion engine is a form of electric propulsion used for spacecraft propulsion. It creates thrust by accelerating ions using electricity.

NEXIS ion engine test (2005)

An ion thruster ionizes a neutral gas by extracting some electrons out of atoms, creating a cloud of positive ions.

Ion thrusters are categorized as either electrostatic or electromagnetic.

Electrostatic thruster ions are accelerated by the Coulomb force along the electric field direction. Temporarily stored electrons are reinjected by a neutralizer in the cloud of ions after it has passed through the electrostatic grid, so the gas becomes neutral again and can freely disperse in space without any further electrical interaction with the thruster.

By contrast, electromagnetic thruster ions are accelerated by the Lorentz force to accelerate all species (free electrons as well as positive and negative ions) in the same direction whatever their electric charge, and are specifically referred to as plasma propulsion engines, where the electric field is not in the direction of the acceleration.

Ion thrusters in operation typically consume 1–7 kW of power, have exhaust velocities around 20–50 km/s (Isp 2000–5000 s), and possess thrusts of 25–250 mN and a propulsive efficiency 65–80% though experimental versions have achieved 100 kW (130 hp), 5 N (1.1 lbf).

The Deep Space 1 spacecraft, powered by an ion thruster, changed velocity by 4.3 km/s (2.7 mi/s) while consuming less than 74 kg (163 lb) of xenon. The Dawn spacecraft broke the record, with a velocity change of 11.5 km/s (7.1 mi/s), though it was only half as efficient, requiring 425 kg (937 lb) of xenon.

Applications include control of the orientation and position of orbiting satellites (some satellites have dozens of low-power ion thrusters) and use as a main propulsion engine for low-mass robotic space vehicles (such as Deep Space 1 and Dawn).

Ion thrust engines are practical only in the vacuum of space and cannot take vehicles through the atmosphere because ion engines do not work in the presence of ions outside the engine; Although high enough voltage potential difference between the anode and the cathode allows for the spontaneous ionisation of atmospheric gases into plasma. 

Thus allowing the use of ionic propulsion in the presence of an atmosphere. Additionally, the engine's minuscule thrust cannot overcome any significant air resistance without radical design changes. Although MIT has created designs that are able to fly for short distances and at low speeds using ultra-light materials and low drag aerofoils. 

An ion engine cannot generate sufficient thrust to achieve initial liftoff from any celestial body with significant surface gravity. For these reasons, spacecraft must rely on other methods such as conventional chemical rockets or non-rocket launch technologies to reach their initial orbit.

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