Showing posts with label Bob Lazar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bob Lazar. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2023

Does It Has Anything To Do With UFOs ? | Element 115 Analysis


Does element 115 has anything to do with powering alien spaceships?

Element 115 is an enigma of sorts, it was only added to the periodic table in 2016, it has attracted extra attention because of a supposed connection to extraterrestrial technology and alien lifeforms.

But Before we answer whether there is a connection, let's find out what element 115 really is.

Element 115 or moscovium is a man-made superheavy element, that has 115 protons in its nucleus. As with all elements on the periodic table. 

The element's number corresponds to the number of protons in the nucleus of the element's atom. So That is 23 more protons than the heaviest element that you can find in large quantities on Earth like uranium.

Jacklyn Gates said that element 115 is an extremely rare element, it exists for just a fraction of a second before it decays into another element.

It is special because it is near a predicted island of stability where some superheavy nuclei might have much longer lifetimes. Instead of living for less than a second, they could exist for minutes days or even years! That is long enough that we might be able to use them for practical applications.

Element 115 was discovered in 2003 in Dubna, in Russia at the Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions. by a group of scientists led by nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian. The element was eventually named moscovium because Dubna is a city in Moscow.

To make this element, the scientists accelerated ions of calcium-48 to around 10 percent of the speed of light and then bombarded americium-243 with them. Through this bombardment, they were able to successfully fuse the nuclei of americium 243 and Calcium 48 atoms. She said, To create a superheavy element, you need the complete fusion of two lighter elements This process produced four atoms of moscovium.

The new element that they made had 115 protons, 20 from the Calcium 48 and 95 from the Americium 243. This new element was then separated from all the other reaction products, using the Dubna gas-filled recoil separator and then implanted into a detector, where scientists were able to watch element 115 decay into element 113.

The internal structure of the 115 nucleus largely prevents spontaneous fission, so it is likely that the nucleus will undergo alpha decay. Alpha decay is a type of radioactive decay where an unstable nucleus changes to another element by emitting a particle composed of two protons and two neutrons.

Emission of an alpha particle forms an odd odd nucleus of the element 113, that for the same reasons, will also undergo alpha decay. This decay pattern is reproduced with the element 111, then 109 and so on.

It took years for researchers to work out some of the details about moscovium. It wasn't until 2018 that Berkeley Lab scientists figured out that the element's mass or atomic weight was 288.

To nab this vital number, they repeated the process that the first discoverers used to pin down the element. In doing so, they managed to produce roughly one atom of moscovium per day, and that atom was captured by an instrument called FIONA or For the Identification Of Nuclide A , which looks like a small metal bank vault. So far, moscovium doesn't have a practical use outside of scientific study.

So let's get to this topic of  Element 115 and the Alien Connection.

Element 115 was only discovered in 2003, but it may sound familiar because the name has been around for decades in connection with UFOs aliens and other related phenomena.

We're referring to the long-lived story of Robert Bob Lazar, who in 1989 went public with what he said was top-secret information about element 115. 

Lazar claimed to be a former employee at Area 51, the famous and highly classified area of the Nevada Test and Training Range, operated by the United States Air Force. 

His job there was to reverse-engineer crashed alien flying saucers, he said that he would  personally worked with element 115, which was used to pilot alien spacecraft.

Lazar said that he'd seen evidence of anti-gravity propulsion technologies, and nine alien spacecraft stored in a hangar at Area 51. Those spaceships ostensibly used some sort of propulsion system that harnessed the inherent power of gravity, and thus utilized the characteristics of element 115 to work their technological wizardry.

The government doesn't confirm the employment of anyone who's worked at Area 51. And as some sources have pointed out, the gist of his claims have never been thoroughly disproved.

there is still the fundamental science contradicting his claims.

"No, there is no connection between this discovery and the claims of Bob Lazar. Presently all the created atoms of element 115, have decayed way too fast to be used to fuel UFOs", she said.

For the people who are immersed in these advances on a daily basis, that's more than enough. After all, moscovium is an amazing element. Gates said that it is a sign that we're pushing the boundaries of what we know about the universe.

Element 115 is special in that we can make it easier than some lighter elements, like element 112 or element 113. Typically as we add more protons, it becomes harder to make a new element. This trend is broken around element 115. Due to this, we have been able to make over 100 atoms of element 115 and begin to understand its nuclear and chemical properties.

When Lazar first came forward in 1989, he made a point to explain that there's no reason a version of element 115 couldn't be synthesized and observed at some point in the future. In fact, he predicted that it would be observed just likely not in a stabilized form, because of the statistical improbability of landing on a relevant isotope.

Now That's Interesting Elements have been discovered roughly every three years until recently, but the question is " Do you think what bob lazar said about this element is true? "

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