Monday, February 27, 2023

Victor Grebennikov's Flying Platform | CSE Fields Analysis

Victor Stepanovich Grebennikov | CSE Fields Analysis


The Story of this man keeps a lot of people wondering how he managed to gain the Antigravity effects from his experiments with CSE fields. 

In summer 1988, from Novosibirsk city, he examined a micro structure of the lower surface of beetles’ wing case, by a microscope, and became interested by unusually rhythmic extremely ordered incomparable honeycomb with solid multidimensional composition, which looked as, if it was pressed by some complicated automatic machine. 

Studying this amazing micro pattern, allowed Grebennikov to design an aircraft of a new kind, called Gravity plane. As usually, this discovery was made by chance. Once Grebennikov put a cheatini bristle from some beetle’s shell, under a microscope. and wanted to put another one, but it slipped out from tweezers and hung in the air. Then grebennikov tied some laminae together from the top, by a wire arranging them vertically. 

It was impossible to put even a thumbtack on this block, because it was thrown up and then aside. When the thumbtack was forcefully fixed to the chitin block from the top, it was lifted for a moment, and completely disappeared! Grebennikov discovered a bio antigravity effect in 1988. and then, during 3 years, he studied it from many sides. and then he developed the platform’s design. 

In 1991, Grebennikov built his gravity plane, and started flying by a noiseless aircraft, which reached a speed of 1,500 to 2,400 km/hour. The aircraft was inertialess, and almost invisible from below. People who observed it from ground, saw instead of it, a light sphere, or a disc or a cloud with sharply outlined edges. It is unnecessary to say that this was discovered not yesterday, but in the eighties.

Grebennikov, tried to convince other scientists about his inventions, but it was useless. Because nobody wanted to talk to him. Grebennikov studied an effect, of cavitary structures of insects. He gave this name to a mysterious radiation, emanated from their nests. 

In chapter 5 of the book, Grebennikov writes: "I have only a hand full of old clay lumps, fragments of these nests, with numerous small rooms cells. The cells were located side by side, and looked like small thimbles or, more likely, small jugs with smoothly narrowing beaks. I’ve already knew that these bees belonged to species of Halictus. 

According to the number of light rings on their oblong bellies. There was a wide vessel, filled with these spongy clay lumps on my working table. which was jammed with instruments, ant and grasshopper houses, with chemical agents and other things. I had to take something, and I brought my hand above these spongy fragments. And a miracle happened. I suddenly felt heat above them. I touched the lumps by the hand. they were cold. But I obviously felt heat above them. Moreover, I felt unknown pushes, bounce, and tick in my fingers" 

Grebennikov wrote: "I put a piece of cardboard on top. the feelings were the same. I put a pan's lid, but it had no effect. this something ran through the barrier. I should immediately study this phenomenon, But the instruments did not react at all: neither finest thermometers, nor ultrasound recorders, electrometers nor magnetometers. 

But usual human hands, and not only mine hands felt these effects, But Some people’s hands became heavier, other people’s hands were pushed up. some people’s fingers grew numb, fore arm’s muscles felt spasms. some people felt giddy and secreted saliva voluminously." 

But how did Victor Grebennikov came to the idea of his aircraft? Let us read further.

 "In summer 1988, I watched by microscope, chitin shells of insects. their fleecy antennae, butterfly wings’ lamellae of finest structure, open work of shad mooneye’s wings, with bright play and other Natural Patents. I was interested in an unusually rhythmic microstructure, of some parts of rather big insects. This was an extremely ordered composition. which looked as if it had been pressed by some complicated automatic machine. according to special designs and calculations. 

In my opinion, this incomparable cellular structure was necessary neither for strength nor for decoration of this part. I did not notice something even resembling such an unusual amazing micro pattern, neither on other insects’ parts nor in the rest of nature. Due to the fact, that it was multi-dimensional, I could not copy it, in a flat drawing or a photograph. 

Why does an insect have this? This structure is located in the bottom of wing cases and is almost always hidden.

 It can be seen only when an insect flies. but who can do this? I suspected that, this can be a wave beacon having my effect of multi-cavitary structures. During this really happy summer, there were a lot of insects of this species, and I caught them using light in the evenings. Neither before nor after that I observed neither such a great number of them, or even single individuals. 

I put a small concave chitin lamella on a microscope table, in order to watch its strange cells, using strong magnification once more. I looked at a regular masterpiece of Nature jeweler, and without any purpose, put another lamella with these unusual cells, located on one of its sides on the first lamella by tweezers. But the part was pulled out the tweezers, hung in the air for some seconds under the lamella. which lay on the microscope table, and rotated clockwise, moved in the air, to the right. rotated anticlockwise, swung and only then quickly fall on the table.

 A reader can only imagine what I felt that moment. After coming to consciousness, I tied some lamellae by a piece of wire. It was difficult and possible only if I took them vertically. So, I made a kind of a multilayer chitin block. I put it on a table. Even such a comparatively heavy thing, as a thumbtack could not lie on it. something pulled it up and then aside. 

I fixed the thumbtack to the top of the block, and then unbelievable things began to happen. particularly, the thumbtack completely disappeared for a moment, that I understood that, this is not a beacon but some Other thing. I was excited again and, due to agitation, everything around me was like in mist, but I could calm down and in two hours, could continue working. 

Everything began from this accident. These strange extraordinary fine and complex instruments, and devices of insects are used not only for senses of touch, smell, vision, sound but they also receive or generate electronic waves, while some of them hamper the Earth’s gravity. 

However, if we remember, Grebennikov's remarked: I didn't not notice something, even resembling such an unusual amazing micro pattern, neither on other insects’ parts, nor in the rest of nature, nor in technology."

Does Grebennikov want to say that honeycombs are a simplified example of this complicated pattern, and that the antigravity effect can be observed already in such a simple structure? 

And in two years of laborious work, a gravity plane appeared, an aircraft with amazing characteristics. It is invisible, and need no traditional engine as we imagine it, and has no wings or a propeller, It is noiseless; and it easily reach a safe flight speed of 1500 km/h, which is not felt by a pilot: there are no either inertia properties of a moving body or heat influence of the environmental air to the aircraft. 

 It also has a very simple design. a post with two handles placed on an opened platform. The photographs of Grebennikov flying by his platform were published in the article for the first time. It is written that the aircraft principles, heights and outfit was given in My world book. Grebennikov was going to completely describe his inventions, because The whole book was aimed at his platform.

But proofreaders and editors explained Grebennikov that it is forbidden to publish such information. So, Grebennikov had to remove fragments of the text and patch it up. This is why a lot of hints and keys remained in the book, In order to completely remove information on the platform, he had to rewrite the whole book.

Two photographs with Grebennikov’s flight were left in the book because they were already known to people. As a result, the book’s total volume was more than 300 pages and there were a lot of inappropriate butterfly images in the end of the 5th chapter. 

Though Grebennikov could not publish the invention’s description, he tried to tell readers fundamentals of his inventions by hints because, in the nineties, he WANTED to tell this to the world and, only in 2000, after he became ill, he began to reduce the information considering it dangerous for people’s health.

In the “Tehnika molodezhi” article, it was written that Grebennikov had demonstrated his platform in a museum for everyone! Possibly, a big colorful photograph of the aircraft was taken in the museum. If it is so, there must be eye witnesses who saw the aircraft. There must be a lot of them. A real device was made in one copy, and disappeared after Grebennikov’s death. However, in the mentioned museum, a model of the device made by Grebennikov remained, Actually, only the post remained.

 The board was stolen, the post was roughly pulled out. all plaster wing nuts were broken apparently, they tried to untwist them! buttons, toggle, right handle of the handle bar was made of playdough, plaster and papier mache and then covered with silver paint. Grebennikov obviously tried to reproduce an appearance of the real device with maximal accuracy because it is much easier to use real wings nuts in the model. 

In this case, however, plaster copies were made using the real board. It is a pity that the lower part of the platform, was lost. It could contain copies of block boards parts and mirrored a real scheme of kinematic blind control. If we could look at the control scheme, it would be possible to remove many versions considering antigravity production principle. A range of questions would narrow.

The first handle bar’s section is a T-shaped welded construction with a lot of buttons, signal indicators and even an electrical toggle. The instrument at the handle bar’s center is an altitude meter. An electrical snap-action toggle is used for turning on board electrical equipments. 

At the left of the altitude meter, opposite to the toggle, the electrical button starter is located. Grebennikov pushed it when the device still stood on the ground right before take off. Pushing the button, a condenser plate in the motor device is charged by a high potential. On the end of the left handle, there's another light emitting diode. It shows charge presence on the motor device’s condenser plate and, possibly, a charge degree of the plate by different brightness of glow. 

In the opposite direction, on the end of the right handle, two light emitting diodes are placed. They are directly connected to plug and sockets placed in mechanical units, of joining separation and change of blinds tilting. 

The white light emitting diode induces straight motion while the red one induces quick slowdown. Left rotary handle controls blinds separation with increase of an active surface. The right one controls change of rotation angle of every blinds’ plate around the long axis. 

Mechanical buttons catchers directed at a pilot’s belly are placed lower than the toggle and the button starter. They are connected to the rotary arms according to a push and turn principle. 

In order to turn the arm, it is necessary to press an according button by a thumb to release the arm’s motion. and then it is possible to rotate it freely pressing the button. If you stop pressing the button, the arm will stay fixed in the existing position with the given angle. This helps to carry out the hovering mode, and choose a fixed height and flight speed during a long flight time. 

All other convex elements located at the first handle bar’s elbow are retention screws. There are no control and diagnostics elements except the mentioned ones. The most interesting thing is that the upper right handle bar’s section TURNS like a handle bar of a standard bike, controlling a mechanism of the platform rotation. 

A rotary effort is transferred by a flexible elastic cable with a diameter of about 10 mm. The biggest screw on the handle bar located under the altitude meter in the center, is a bonding of this cable. this rotary cable is set into a central socket. Let's talk about The platform's base. Grebennikov made his platform so numerous screws and wing nuts, are just lightly modified platform’s parts. 

This is a box of old Soviet microscope package with an external walls’ thickness of 8 mm and an internal walls’ thickness of about 50 mm. Grebennikov only had to take out a plastic foam interlay, and cover the body with drying oil. He made this though the board’s thickness of 8 mm is rather unreliable. 

Possibly, Grebennikov strengthened the base by sheet metal from inside. The blinds’ design is a standard FAN, made of flat long elements. There are four fans. Each of their four axles is fixed vertically at the platform’s corners. Even a picture by Grebennikov showing its device from below exists! approximately in the center of each platform halves.

This is a bonding of the distribution mechanism, which transfers effort from the “distributors” to a fan opening device. Each fan consists of nine plates. In order to make them strong, the plates are made of sheet metal. 

Micro-nets are stuck from the upper surface of each plate. On the one hand, the metal does not prevent nets from operating because the effect of cavitary structures cannot be screened and, on the other hand, protects them from mechanical influences such as influence of grass during landing. 

Holes in the plates, which can be seen, are not related to micro-cells. They are made only for lightening the metal plates’ weight. Antigravity effect created due to the effect of cavitary structures is produced by the cells but they need “fuel” in order to work with maximal efficiency.

Roughly speaking, the effect of cavitary structures works the following way:

 any material consists of particles vibrating by its own frequency, Due to such internal atomic vibrations, a stationary wave exists in the environment around any object and further, discrete “reflections” or maximums of such a wave. Thus, a frequency and length of such vibration are unique for any material according to Grebennikov, this is a “reflection of de Broglie waves.

If we make a cavity, its walls will begin to “radiate” towards each other or under some angles. If a right size of such a cell will be found, waves’ maximums will sum up and a field will be strengthened in the given point of space. 

So, let us make conclusions

 First, as many as possible surfaces are necessary for one cell it may seem strange but a polygon with maximal quantity of sides, which can be used for filling a plane without gaps and fractally is a hexagon. Second. the less the size of each cell, the more quantity of surfaces, which we can have with the same volume. 

The more cells and, accordingly, the more surfaces, the stronger the effect of cavitary structures. Let us remark more that size of one cell is not arbitrary but divisible by wave “reflections”, which, in their turn, depend on a used material. 

Wave “reflections” can be far from the surface as well as very close to it, Closer ones have stronger power. So, we have a very fine net by specifying a certain geometry of its cells size and form of planes and angles between the planes. 

we concentrate our static field in certain points of space. However, we are interested, first of all, in force gradient. The mentioned static field does not produce yield and confirms the law of energy conservation.

We don’t have antigravity so far. Then we use lepton theory. 

Remember that lepton, aether, and orgone are the same. We have to determine such a form of cells, which will allow having different field force from a very low on one side to a very high on another. The less distance to the cell material surface, the stronger wave “reflections” we have. 

We make a simple and logical conclusion that one side of the cell must be geometrically less than another, If an initial cell is cylindrical, we have a cone. if it is triangular or square, we have a pyramid with a triangular or square base. 

If we initially have a hexagonal cell, the pyramid will be hexagonal too. It is necessary to tell about lepton explanation of gravity effect. This means that leptons fly all over space in all directions, chaotically. They pass through all bodies but still they transmit some very small part of their speed to these bodies. 

Now imagine two spheres, A lepton stream flying from one sphere to another passes through the first sphere, brakes and “irradiates” the second sphere less than the first one. the second sphere is in “lepton shadow” of the first one, and on the contrary. Thus, pressure from the direction of the internal space between the spheres will be less than the external pressure, which leads to attraction of two bodies, this effect is called gravity. 

So, we need antigravity. There are leptons or aether everywhere in universe. If a device will be invented, which will be able to change leptons’ direction, to the necessary one create aether wind, our task will be solved. 

Now, if we place such a solid net consisting of the micro cells under the platform in a zone between the earth and the platform, and orient it in such a way that “aether wind”, which is created by the platform, blows the platform from the bottom compensating insufficiency of lepton pressure, the platform and its passenger will become imponderable and fly up.

Controlling a power of an aether stream and its directions, we have the same rough material idea of force vector as in the case of jet streams. 

The only difference is that aether is so insensible for us that there are no strong air streams. At first sight, there is nothing! The platform just picks up speed and height without any sound, visual and other effects. Inertia force doesn’t influence a pilot. 

It is necessary to note that a head is heavier than legs, while the legs, in their turn, are heavier than the platform. it is a gradient of the antigravity force! It is interesting that it is possible to make symmetric cells like usual honeycombs, instead of cuneiform ones, a half of this aether wind can blow in the ground. 

It is unreasonable: about a half of the power is lost. however, it can be increased by decreasing the cells’ size. but, technologically, such nets are easier to build. Now let us tell about the cells’ “fuel”. 

Grebennikov noted that, in case with the effect of cavitary structures experiments, it is necessary to take the Sun into account, under normal conditions. The point is that, together with sunlight, an intensive aether or lepton flow goes from the Sun. As it was noted by Grebennikov, during takeoff. 

Grebennikov’s aircraft was always carried away in a direction which was opposite to the Sun. This happened because, from the Sun side, the fans got more effective supply and worked more effectively moving the aircraft in another direction. This is the answer. In the event when the aircraft was moved away due to different reasons, this can not be explained by “usual conditions”. In this case, different environmental disturbances take place, we will not consider them here because these are fluctuations, which do not hamper in flying.

 So, this is the first part explaining the Grebennikov's platform, and we will talk about the others in the coming contents. But if you want to see the video about this platform of Grebennikov make sure you follow this link here " Victor Grebennikov's platform " 

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