Monday, February 6, 2023

Nazi " Alien Reproduction Vehicle" | ARV

 NAZI "Alien Reproduction Vehicle" | ARV 

“Well, if you have one of these units that’s about sixteen inches long and about eight inches high and about ten inches wide, then you don’t need to plug into the local electric company. These devices burn nothing – no pollution; it never wears out, because there are no moving parts – what moves are electrons in the gravity field; in the electronic field; and they turn in opposite directions, okay? You put one in a car – the car would rust and fall down around it before it would ever wear out. So, what’s that going to do to the world economy that runs on petroleum?


So it’s not that our government and the world doesn’t want us to know that there are other people on other planets that have existed for thousands of years. What the people in power right now don’t want us to know is that this free energy is available to everybody. Toyota has a car that runs on it; Ford has produced one that runs on it. Now, Toyota will probably turn it loose and bring it over here – either 2001 or 2 – because they have to pay high prices for oil, and we’re pretty soon going to pay high prices too. When this knowledge is found out by the people, they are going to demand our government to release this tech­nology, and it will change the world. That’s the greatest secret that they want to keep. So secrecy about UFOs is because of the energy issue.”

Bill Uhouse, Captain, US Marine:

”I don’t think any flying disc simulators went into operation until the early 1960s – around 1962 or 1963. The reason why I am saying this is because the simulator wasn’t actually functional until around 1958. The simulator that they used was for the extra­terrestrial craft that they had, which is a 30-meter one that crashed in Kingman, Arizona, back in 1953 or 1952. That’s the first one that they took out to the test flight. This ET craft was a controlled craft that the aliens wanted to present to our government – the USA… I knew about the gravitational field and what it took to get people trained… We had meetings, and I ended up in a meeting with an alien. I called him J-ROD… The alien used to come in with [Dr. Edward] Teller and some of the other guys, occasionally, to handle questions that maybe we’d have… Over the last 40 years or so, not counting the simulators – I’m talking about actual craft – there are probably two or three dozen, and various sizes that we built...”


Eugene Mallove:

”We know for a fact, today, that the cold fusion low energy nuclear reactions are real. It’s a class of nuclear non-dangerous reactions producing dominantly heat, but also nuclear changes – a very beneficial type of powerful reaction. It is a commercially emerging technology in the hands of a number of companies. It is difficult technology but it will, under the proper circumstances of proper patenting and funding, emerge as a universal energy source. And, I just want to say that at least one of the reactions is, indeed, cold fusion – literally the joining of two heavy hydrogen nuclei to form helium four. This has been demonstrated repeatly by Dr. Les Case, an MIT graduate, and his process has been repeated at SRI International.


There is absolutely no doubt about this. What that means is that in one cubic kilometer of ocean, if you fuse all the heavy hydrogen, which is just one sixty-five hundredth of that cubic kilometer of ocean, that would equal the oil energy from combusting all the known oil reserves on earth. So, for all practical purposes, we know scientifically, in a very careful manner supported by a mountain of additional supporting evidence, that this is possible in principle and it is nearing commercial application.”


… There has been an extraordinary abrogation of basic legal responsibility at the Patent Office and at the Department of Energy on the matter of cold fusion. Cold fusion patents have not been approved. The only way of approving any patent that resembles cold fusion is to eliminate the words “cold fusion” or anything like it…”

Paul LaViolette:

“I was interested because I could explain this electrogravitic effect with my theory. Basi­cally, the positive charges would create gravitational wells just like out current concept of gravitational well around a massive object; whereas, electrons would do the opposite: they’d create gravitational hills which, in effect, you’d say is a gravitational repulsion effect. If you look at Brown’s disc, according to my theory, you get a gravity potential hill, a g-hill, towards the negatively charged end of the craft and a g-well towards the positive. There would be an effect of a gravitational gradient that would tend to propel it forward…


… Using masers is very highly classified because of its use for UFO propulsion. The beauty of this is that the microwaves stay in the beam; they don’t scatter out. That’s the nature of it – you pump up your beam, in effect, with energy, and it is not locked. It is like you are putting your energy into a tube – it is a resonator. In effect, you could create a craft that [seems to be] standing on poles. The maser beams, in fact, become like solid poles between the craft and the ground. This is how, for example, the TR3B, is using anti-gravity technology and has three thrusters on the bottom. Well, this is what the thrusters would be: masers.”


“There have been triangular UFOs [of manmade origin], and the TR3B is one of the triangular-shaped UFOs that we’ve heard about. UFOs may be of alien origin, but some of them may be ones we have created ourselves using this technology. In some UFO reports, you often see three domes underneath the object. I believe these are actually microwave transmitters for the beams…


… I do believe that we have technology presently developed which would allow us to easily navigate the solar system. I wouldn’t be surprised if we had bases on Mars and the moon, and we are regularly going there with these kinds of craft. You know, we have that ability…


… My theory called subquantum kinetics allows for the possibility of materialization and dematerialization. Now, in relation to the technology of spacecraft, there are accounts of how a craft can actually dematerialize visually. My theory about this is that they are able to affect the gravity field of the craft and cause this. They are able to make the craft lighter, in effect – like a gravity potential to make a g-hill there, and the waves that form the particles would diminish, go more towards a vacuum state, and seem to disappear…


… The Patent Office, in its current approach, is actually breaking the law. It is trying to make happy the physicists who are with the American Physical Society – to keep them in power with their ideas, you might say, and withhold from public use good inventions that could solve our problems, like the energy crisis. There is a whole pattern of this going on at the Patent Office.”


Mark McCandlish, US AIR Force 

”What he did, apparently, was aquire a high voltage power source – a DC (direct current) power source, and he took a couple of quarter-inch-thick copper plates about a foot in diameter, with a lead coming out of the middle of each one at the top and the bottom. [Then], he basically embedded them in a type of plastic resin like polycarbonate  or Plexiglas, or some other kind of clear resin where you could see the plates, and you could see the material. Apparently, he did everything he could to get all the little air bubbles and stuff out of there, so there wouldn’t be any pathways for the electricity to break down the material and arc through them. The experiment was to see how much voltage you could put on this capacitor – the subplate capacitor – in this arrangement; how much voltage could you put on this thing before the insulating material begins to just break down.


Well, he got up to about a million volts, and the thing would begin to float, and it floated in accordance with the principles that had been described in a patent that was filed back in the late 1950s/early 1960s by a gentleman called Thomas Townsend Brown. Brown and another individual by the name of Dr. Biefield had done this, so this effect became known as the Biefield-Brown effect. Well, [Stambough] apparently duplicated the experiments done by Biefield and Brown, [and] the one aspect they found about this arrangement was that the levitation or movement would occur in the direction of the positively charged plate. So, if you had two plates, one is negative, and one is positive because of the direct current system. If you have the positive plate on top, it would move in that direction. If you had it on a pendulum, it would always swing in whatever direction the positive plate was facing …”


“… The bottom of the vehicle was about 11 or 12 inches thick. In both cases, the coil and this large disc at the bottom were like a big plastic casting – sort of a greenish-blue, clear plastic, or it might have been glass. I determined, using my conceptual artist skills, that there were exactly 48 sections like thin slices of pizza pie, and each section within this casting probably weighted four or five tons, judging by the thickness and the diameter. It must have been monstrous in weight. It was full of half-inch-thick copper plates, and each of the 48 sections had 8 copper plates.




So, here we are back to the plate capicitors again, and the prospect of someone finding a way to use the Biefield-Brown effect – this levitation effect where you charge a capacitor to lift towards a positive plate. Now, when you got eight plates stacked up in there, they alternate. It goes: negative positive, negative positive, negative positive – four times, so you ultimately wind up with the positive plates always being above a set of negative plates as you go up…”


“… Now, I started looking at the design of this thing, and it occurred to me that what I was looking at was a huge Tesla coil, which is kind of like an open-air transformer. What happens is that when you pass electricity through this large diameter coil, it creates a field. That’s what this system does: it takes electricity, using two large 24-volt marine-style batteries. You basically use that to somehow put an alternating current through these windings. [Then], you step up that electricity through the secondary coil, which is on the column in the middle, and you get this extremely high voltage. You can selectively put the voltage on any of these 48 capacitor sections.


Well, why would you want to do that? If you’re using just a normal Tesla coil, you usually have maybe one or two capacitors in the whole system. But, you’re talking about a different kind of capacitor here – you’re talking about capacitors that are made up of plates – plates that are shaped like long, thin triangles, and they are all radially-oriented just like the spokes of a wheel, just like the oxygen tanks, just like the field lines from that large diameter coil. As you look at this system, if you’re an electrician or just somebody who knows a little bit about Tesla coils and the way they are set up, you begin to realize that the orientation of components is really the key to making the system work.


Why so many different capacitor sections? If you have just one big disc like Mark Stambough did with his experiment at the University of Arizona – which, by the way was confiscated by men claiming to be from the government and claiming privilege under the National Security Act. They took all this stuff, interviewed all the people that saw the experiments, and told everybody to keep their mouths shut and not talk about it. But, I heard about it from his roommate who knew what had happened. [Anyway], in that case, you have levitation, but you don’t get any control. You have this thing floating around, and it’s just sort of floating on whatever this field is that it’s producing, but you don’t have any control.




So, what happens? You break that disc up into 48 different sections, and then you can decide how much electricity you want to put on this side or over there on that side, so you can control the amount of electricity and the amount of thrust and vectoring that you get. You can make it go straight up, you can make it bank and turn and pitch – whatever you want to, by virtue of the fact that you can control where the electricity goes in those 48 different sections. If you ever take a circle and divide it up into 48 equal sections, you’ll find that those are really thin little slices. So, you have these 48 individual capacitors, and you have one big Tesla coil. You’ve got to have some kind of rotating spark gap, just like the distributor in your car, that sends the electricity out to each of those sections. Then, you have to have some way of controlling how much electricity goes to each one…”



”… It was all linked fiber-optically. Well, why would that make any difference? Why would you want to have a system that’s all linked fiber-optically? The reason is that if you find a way to control gravity, you reduce the mass of it. If you are able to do that, what are the other side benefits? What if you somehow found a way of tapping into this scalar field, this zero-point energy? If what the scientists believe is true, then the zero-point energy is actually what keeps the electrons around the atomic structure of everything in our universe. It keeps them energized – it keeps those little electrons spinning in their different clouds around the nucleus of every atom in our world. It keeps them going, keeps them from crashing into the nucleus like a satellite orbiting the Earth gets pulled into the atmosphere by gravitational drag. Well, if you have a way of interfering with that interaction, that absorption of zero-point energy by those electrons, they begin to slow down.



Every atom in the universe is just like a little gyroscope: it’s got all these electrons spinning around the nucleus, and they have a gyroscopic effect, which is the effect we call inertia and mass. We have one nucleus with a proton and a neutron and one electron – hydrogen – spinning around like that: not very much mass, not too much inertia. If you take uranium, [with] 235 electrons all spinning around in their different clouds, there is a lot of mass; there is a lot of inertia, because it’s like a bigger gyroscope, in a way. At least, that’s the analogy that I’ve kind of picked up here. But, if you have a way of interfering with that absorption of zero-point energy so those electrons become de-energized, they begin to slow down. The effect of that inertia, that gyroscopic effect, begins to drop off, and the mass drops off to, even though the atomic structure is intact; and it’s still there – it’s still uranium, but it’s not as heavy.


One of the things Einstein said, was that you could never accelerate anything up to and past the speed of light. If you did, you would have to have all the energy in the universe, because as you accelerate through space, mass increases. One of the old films showing this concept shows a train going faster and faster towards the speed of light, but the train keeps getting bigger and bigger until the engine just can’t pull it, so it can never pass the speed of light.


But, what if you have a system, a device, that absorbs that zero-point energy and prevents it from interacting with the atomic structure of the vehicle? And, at the same time, it’s providing additional power to the capacitor section – this whole electrical system that is going on in the vehicle, that’s running. In effect, the faster you go, the easier it becomes to go up to and exceed the speed of light.


Brad said that in this exhibit at Norton Air Force Base, a three star general said that these vehicles were capable of doing light speed or better. Oh, by the way, the largest of these vehicles was about 120 to 130 feet in diameter. I mean, that’s massive when you think about it – it’s just huge.


There is a scientist in Utah by the name of Moray B. King –  he wrote a book called Tapping the Zero Point Energy.  What he maintains is that this energy is embedded in space-time all around us; it’s in everything we see. I think it was James Clerk Maxwell who speculated that there’s enough of this flux, this electrical charge, in the nothingness of space, that if you could capture all the energy that was embedded in just a cubic yard of space, you’d have enough energy to boil the oceans of the entire world. That’s how much energy is sitting there waiting to be tapped. Now, one of the things that Moray B. King said, was that the best way to tap that energy is by driving it out of equilibrium. It’s just like a box of cigarette smoke in a box, but if you somehow send a shockwave through it, you can get force – you can get ripples through it. Then, if you have a way of collecting that energy at the other end, you have a way of tapping into it and using it.


This Alien Reproduction Vehicle, this Flux Liner, has a way of doing that somehow, electronically. Now, Brad had described the fact that this central column has a kind of vacuum chamber in it. The vacuum chamber is one of the things that all of these scientists describe in these over-unity or free energy devices they build. They all have some kind of vacuum tubes, vacuum technology.


Brad maintained that inside this big vacuum chamber in the central column that’s inside everything else – inside the flywheel, inside the secondary coils of the Tesla coil, inside the crew compartment – there is mercury vapor. Mercury vapor will conduct electricity, but it produces all kinds of ionic effects. These little molecules of mercury become charged in unusual ways, and if you fire a tremendous amount of electricity through mercury vapory that’s in a partial vacuum, there is something special, something unusual that happens in that process. I believe it’s the process that Morey [King] came to describe when he [proposed] driving the energy in the vacuum out of equilibrium, putting some kind of a shockwave through it.


Now, the other thing that I believe happens here, is that as this system begins to tap into this zero-point energy and is drawing it away from the local environment, the whole craft becomes lighter in weight – it becomes partially mass-cancelled, if you will, which is one of the reasons why just a little bit of energy in the capacitors could shoot it all over the place.


One of the things that I believe happens, is when you take a system like this and you fire it up, everything in the system starts to become mass-canceled. The next thing that happens is that the electrons that are flowing through the system also become mass-canceled. What does that mean? It means as that system and all the electrons flowing through that big Tesla coil become mass-canceled, it also becomes the perfect super-conductor, which means the efficiency of the systems goes right through the ceiling. You get dramatic efficiency, just like the whole thing was dunked into liquid nitrogen or made out of pure silver or pure gold, which at certain temperatures are perfect conductors – it becomes lighter and can accelerate at incredible speeds…”


‘Have you ever wondered why the NASA budget has been cut back so severely? It’s because they’ve got all this other technology that is so much better, so much faster. They are so much better than rocket-propelled spaceships that take months, sometimes years, to get to the outer reaches of the solar system. Why would you put millions and millions of dollars [into] what [amounts] to a public works program for scientists? Why invest all that money when you have this classified system that’s used exclu­sively by the National Security Agency, the CIA, or Air Force Intelligence? It will go anywhere in the solar system in hours, compared to months or years. Why spend all that money on NASA when you’ve got something that will go there right now?’


When people speculate that there [might] be manned bases on the back side of the moon or there might be bases on Mars, I can tell you that I’m almost positive that that’s true. In fact, I’m positive that it’s true…”


”… Anyway, the only other thing that I could say, is that when I was talking about the fiber optic control system, that’s also one of the things that goes back to the original Roswell acount that there were all these little fibers with light going through them, and they couldn’t explain what this stuff was. Well, why would you need a fiber optic system in your spaceship? If, suddenly, everything in the vehicle becomes mass-canceled, and even the electrons becomes mass-canceled, it means that all of the telemetry that’s going through your system is going to go haywire. It’s going to be like, suddenly, the system goes through a phase change, and everything is super-conducting. So, you have to have some way of maintaining the same level of control for your spark gaps – the control of the amount of electricity that goes out of the capacitors – so that when you change the control stick, you still get the same amount of movement and deflection in the system, even when you go into a state of mass-cancellation or partial mass-cancellation, because the electrons are also mass-cancelled, so they become super-conducting circuits.


Why use fiber optics? Because photons have no mass, so they are unaffected. That means any information, any telemetry that you send back and forth to your computer gets there. It doesn’t matter if the computer functions at the super-conducting level, because it just makes it faster, more efficient, smarter. You want to be able to control the aircraft so it doesn’t crash, and what’s the best way to do it? With fiber optics.” 

Conclusion on ARV ;

The Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) is well known as the device built by the Aliens. 

But according to the analysis of Mark about how ARV uses the Magnetohydrodynamics principles, it seems like this device also relates to the principles of OTC-X1 and the Searl Effect Generator ( SEG ).

If we could replicate the ARV it would be possible to figure out how the OTC-X1 and SEG worked, that's why we don't have to give up until we finally make it.


Saturday, December 3, 2022

Was He Considered "A liar" After He Told His Story? | Antigravity Devices Community

Do you Believe this "Bob Lazar's Story" was true?

What is the real story here? Someone probably knows, but just who that someone is, I don’t know. I do know it’s not me!

Whatever theory you subscribe to, remember this: It needs to explain ALL aspects of the case, not just the blatant or easy ones. To come up with a theory that explains it all (The Unified Bob Theory??) is not an easy thing to do.

Lazar is lying, and fabricated the whole story.

This is the knee-jerk answer, but I don’t buy it for a second. The fatal flaw to this is that Lazar brought a pack of his friends out on 3 occasions to view operations of something very strange. Also, there has been a bit of corroboration to some parts of his story. This theory, while comforting to many, just doesn’t explain it all.

Lazar is telling the truth.

Ah, the other extreme. I can’t buy this either. If he’s being fully truthful, then why does he insist on clinging to his bogus claims of CalTech and MIT degrees? Also, with the possible exception of Los Alamos, Lazar hasn’t suffered from the mysterious loss of his records, as he’s claimed. There are plenty of Lazar records to be found.

Well hell! If he’s not lying, but not telling the truth, what’s going on? Probably something in between, making things difficult for us.

Lazar is simply retelling a story he heard from someone else who worked at Groom or Papoose.

This theory has several variations, including the idea that he got the story while regularly visiting one of the local brothels and the story was passed on from one of the girls, who got it from her clients. The major problems with this is again the educational background, the precision with which Lazar called the test nights, and also the apparent fact that government agents were witnessed at Lazar’s home by others. Further, the tale Lazar told his friends seemed to evolve over time.

Lazar had some sort of position at Groom Lake, and heard stories and rumors of Papoose.

A possibility. However given the strong compartmentalization going on, it’s highly unlikely such detailed stories would be floating around Groom. Were that the case, other Groom workers would have picked it up also, and that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Lazar was at S-4, but it was a setup, and he was shown what he was “supposed” to see. 

The idea behind this theory is that the government wanted to get out some dis-information (for uncertain purposes) and staged the episode for Lazar’s benefit, knowing of his association with Lear, and inability to keep it secret. If that’s the case, some elements might be real (the flight test), but others false (the other 8 craft). Bringing in Lazar at lengthy intervals, essentially on his own, having him closely shadowed by security while at S-4 points in this direction. I think most of us severely underestimate the cleverness of the folks out around Groom. They are not stupid! This doesn’t deal with his academic background however. If this is indeed the case, then whoever dreamed up this operation probably got fired as a result of the major tourist influx it eventually generated. I kind of like this one, but it doesn’t explain everything.

Lazar was at S-4, but had his mind mucked with.

While perhaps outlandish, this is an “explain it all” theory. By installing the certainty in Lazar that he does have degrees from MIT and CalTech, among other things, he’s easily discredited, and the real memories he might possess dismissed. Is it real or is it Memorex? The two variations on this theory hold that the mind mucking was planned from the start as dis-information, or that it was done after he bolted from the program. The big question is do we have such mind manipulating capabilities? However, Lazar has undergone hypnosis and some cracking of such implanted memories should have occurred. Even so, I find it hard to fathom that Lazar, when presented with evidence that he never attended the schools he’s claimed, didn’t start an investigation of his own into alternate possibilities. Another theory I find somewhat attractive.

Lazar was at S-4, but has been bought off.

This theory holds that this entire episode was orchestrated. Lazar, due to his financial situation, was “hired” or used as part of a dis-information effort and has participated willingly. Part of his contract would include his insistence of his degrees, casting just enough doubt on him that his story becomes gray. His story becomes a classic mixture of truth and lies. Were this the case, then not even Lazar’s friends would know. If this theory is correct, then what actually is at S-4 is anyone’s guess. Again, another “explain it all” theory. Intellectually, I like this one a lot, but emotionally it doesn’t feel right.

Lazar and friends have concocted the story for financial reasons.

A theory I can’t subscribe to. The amount of money these boys have been pulling in is chump change, compared to if they REALLY wanted to market it. Now what constitutes chump change is admittedly subjective, but considering the time involved, ridicule and abuse, I can’t see them getting a reasonable return. Then there is the problem that some of the story has been corroborated. Also, if it were just a money making scam, they could come up with a much better story for Lazar’s lack of educational background.

Whew! Well, that’s it. Take your pick. It’s all true, and none of it’s true. If you’re looking for closure, well, I guess you’re out of luck. There are no answers, only more questions. Learn to enjoy the process, and force yourself not to leap to conclusions, the conclusions will eventually become obvious.

Above all…Think for yourself!

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